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Throughout this project, we gained invaluable experience in the field of image processing using data from the JWST. We developed a deeper understanding of the intricate techniques required to transform raw astronomical data into visually stunning and scientifically valuable images. This process enhanced our skills in data analysis, image enhancement, and the use of specialized software tools.

Moreover, we learned the importance of collaboration and critical thinking in addressing complex problems, which will be instrumental in our future careers in physics and related fields.

For future work, we aim to further refine our image processing methods and explore new applications of these techniques in other areas of astrophysics. Additionally, we plan to expand our project by comparing data from other space telescopes and contributing to open-source initiatives that benefit the broader scientific community. some of it includes:

Broader Scope

Through out this project we have solely focused on Nebula as our main pick to be processed. There are more to be learnt from both image processing techniques and the science behind other celestial objects. Objects such as galaxies, super nova remnant, star clusters and exoplanets could further improve our understanding regarding the field of image processing and astronomy.

Expand Data Collection

In this project we chose HST images to be compared with JWST's. However there still exist many other space telescope which data are available in the MAST portal. Processing the raw images from other space telescopes that operates on a different spectrum than JWST and HST can provide significant discoveries something that can'y be done by comparing just JWST and HST alone.


Further more, the combined filter set that we produced in this project can also be expand with throughput data from other space telescope and thus broadening the range of color the filter set uses.   

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